
The Racial E.T.A.

Accounts of racist interactions online are not shocking, nor are the instances of disassociation and segregation, intentional or otherwise, of minorities in online video game cultures. To me it isn’t surprising for one primary reason; although the internet is viewed as progressive, just like online communities are seen as new and cutting edge, it does not change people’s belief structures, biased opinions, or ignorant outlooks on others in society. Actually, the internet may have the potential to bridge some of these gaps, but more often than not someone who has adopted a racist standpoint will adhere to their beliefs even through a “progressive” medium like the internet.

What I found interesting in these articles is that online communities are less an alternative reality that people engage in and more of a mirror of reality. Although depictions of race (in regards to Avatars) are under the control of each individual user, the reactions to them seem hauntingly real. Regardless of the gamers’ actual race, people react to the avatar they see and not always in a positive way. The lack of “skins” to represent minorities in gaming cultures illustrates an underlying exclusion of a minority market. This may be another factor that helps foster racist behavior in online communities.

Some of these articles dealt directly with the issue of a lack of representation for minority users in online gaming communities. It seems though that simply broadening depictions of minorities in these games does little to change people’s racist opinions. Even if it doesn’t change how people see minorities, it is important to provide appropriate tools to create accurate visual depictions so that every person is provided equal representation. Because online communities tend to mirror actual society it is hard to envision an online environment where racism doesn’t exist, but implicit exclusion will do nothing to change this unfortunate reality. Just as in reality, the only way we can challenge racism is with education, tolerance, and action, creating a truly equal, progressive online world.